( Essay written by Arun Baby, Santhigiri Siddha Medical College selected for the ‘Best Essay Award 2007’ (Rs.5000/- cash award) in connection with the annual conference of ‘Confederation of Gazetted Officers in Ayurveda’ .)
His excellency President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam during his visit to Kerala put forward ten important points to the Government of Kerala with the intension of overall development of the state. These points have been widely heard and discussed among the masses. Of this one important point was Propagation and development of Health Tourism in the state. It is estimated that about 3.5 lakhs foreigners are coming to Kerala as Tourists in a year. Steps should be taken by the state government tourism department to increase the number of tourists from 3.5 lakhs to at least 10 lakhs within the next few years. If that goal is achieved no doubt about 20 lakhs unemployededucated youth in the state could be absorbed in that department directly or indirectly. At the same time the state exchange could be about 3000 crore rupees in its account statement as foreign exchange earning according to the Hon’ble President.
Hon’ble President also insisted that the state should be keep up the traditional system of tourism in fact at the same time steps should be taken to propagate Health Medical Tourism through out the state. While promoting Medical Tourism in the state, importance should given to traditional Vaidya Sastra ie. Ayurvedic Medical Tourism. As a matter of fact medical Tourism is not a new subject to Tourism Sector. History reveals that in ancient Greece during the period of ‘Askalepiyosis’ itself there prevailed Medical Tourism. During the said period people from the surrounding regions including Mediterranean Region’s were making medical tourism to Greek also with the intention of praying in front of the ‘Queen of the Heavens’ who can sheen
and cure all source of diseases. Step by step the medical tourism has reached to the present 20th century stage particularly as an industry.
Now a days the states are extending to the people through Medical Tourism all sorts of Medical Treatment despite to rest and entertainment. In the state of South Africa, Medical Tourism is tide up with Safari Tourism which is much popular there. South Africa is also famous and one among the leading nations of the world where Plastic Surgery is in an advanced stage and few centers are very famous in that field.
It is estimated that by 2012 India could achieve a target of 200 Crore Dollars per year in the Medical Tourism sector. This will be about 8% of the Gross National Profit (GNP) of the country. Thus in this sector the growth rate per annum will be about 30% as estimated. In the capital city of Trivandrum, there are few private Super Speciality Hospitals were treating the patients coming from Mali etc. is provided in a cheaper rate comparing with the other neighbouring nations. These nationals are coming to this hospital, since such treatment is most available in their country. Recently certain Super speciality Hospitals in India have treated few children hailing from Pakistan comparatively in a cheaper rate for Heart Diseases. Since Pakistan does not have sufficient such hospitals there. This venture could also help stabilize the drained bilateral relationship between India and Pakistan.
1 To expose the characteristics and importance of Ayurveda to the
tourists coming to India In India, Kerala is the only state taken much interest to retain Ayurveda Medical System in its present shape since 5000 years of its origin. Efforts are taken by researchers / practitioners all over the world in search ofdevelopment of modern Medical Science. These developments are taking placein the English System of Medicine. Thus this is the high time we should takesteps to popularize among other nations also the importance of Ayurveda whichis originated and developed to the present stage in India. The medicines which are commonly used in the English System ofmedicine is mostly made out of Chemicals which badly affects thehuman body in future even though it shall cure the diseases quickly. Whereas the medicines manufactured in the Ayurvedic System of Medicine the ingredients are mainly taken from plants, metals and minerals and animals which would not affect badlythe human body. This fact is to be brought to the notice of the foreigners coming to India as Health tourists. As a matter of fact there is no doubt if we shall chart out a plan to propagate the importance of Ayurveda Medicine among the foreign tourists in the future taking them to confidence that this system shall provide them body fitness aswell as pleasure and joy in the patients mind. In terms the shall be able to popularizethe system through out the world.
2. How to remove the misunderstanding about the Ayurvedic System
of Medicine In the name of popularizing the Ayurvedic System of MedicalTreatment in the world, we are displaying the picture of half naked picture of“Madamma” laying down in the ground to undergo massage etc. If this sort ofpractice is allowed to grow future, there is no doubt it will badly affect theAyurvedic System and at the same time leads to giving a bad impression aftercalling it as Sex Tourism in India. Also it shall be a measure by which we are disgracing the traditional good name of Ayurveda Vaidya Sastra of India. In Ayurvedic System of Medicine treatment is provided to persons for maintaining good health. The places selected for giving this sort of treatment is resorts and places which are naturally gifted with good climate etc. Through this treatment the body and mind of a person could be made fit to defend the body from any
sort of diseases. This fact should be taken in confidence in the mind of the nationals as well as foreign tourists.
3. It create opportunity for Employment
Instead of going behind the foreign investors for aid etc. with the intention of creating more opportunities to the nationals, in the field of Ayurveda we should find out resources with the help of development of health tourism in our country itself. Also most of the Ayurveda Medicine should be cultivated in our country itself as a mixed crop along with the traditional crops. This will no doubt indirectly help the agriculture worker to get rid off from the present tragedy of helplessness and suicide.
4. How shall we can attract the Indian Nationals to bring close to
Ayurvedic System of Medicine Nationals will prefer more what is endeavoured and supplied by nature itself to a country than what is brought from other countries. It will be liked more by the nationals when they understand that more foreigners are coming to India to study more about Ayurveda and Health Tourism.
5. Not only Treatment to maintain Health Only
Ayurvedic Medicine not only used for maintaining health alone but also these are used as preventive measures by which shall cure the diseases such as rheumatism of various types, ulcer, nervous diseases, allergy, psoriasis, eye diseases, diseases normally found among the old aged. Due to the very reason in recent times the number of health tourists coming to India have enormously increased. It is beyond doubt that the importance of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment is not at all a hidden subject even to the foreigners.
6. How effective the System of Ayurvedic Medicine and Treatment
A cheap advertisement about the Ayurvedic Medicine can achieve only a reverse effect to the progress of system and only the business community shall gain profit out of that. At the same time the fame and dignity of Ayurvedic Medicine will diminish. The medicine produced with the intention of gaining profit alone cannot contribute much to this system, whereas it can give an adverse effect only to the system as a whole. All possible steps should take to produce genuine quality Ayurvedic Medicine. By that we shall be proud in front of the world community. If quality medicines are produced and supplied that shall be a step further to promote health tourism in India.
1. It shall promote activities connected with anti social elements in
the society Some times Ayurvedic Health tourism shall become a curse to the society. For example there are numerous massaging parlours are coming into existence here and there without following the required standard resources. It will be a blow to the good name achieved through ages in the traditional way of treatment. If this sort of ventures are allowed to grow without any check it shall lead to activities connected with anti social elements.
2. Illicit production of Ayurvedic Medicine are increased In the name of Ayurvedic Medicines there are so many complaints and individuals are engaged in producing Ayurvedic Medicine which is normally below standard and this cannot be treated as genuine one. It is a well known fact that Ayurvedic Medicine has no side effect. Taking these facts as an advantage some companies are producing medicine without including all the ingredients needed for a particular medicine. Such act of irresponsibility shall lead to defame the Ayurvedic Medicine. Now a days in each and every small shops people shall find Ayurvedic Medicine with sub stand. These sorts of Ayurvedic Medicines will defame the genuine traditional Ayuvedic system. The only way to get rid off from this practice is to make proper Government rules. By which the quality of medicine should be tested in the level of production, manufacturing sales and should be
carried out by the authorised medical shops only.
3. The most beneficiaries are always the famous medicine producing
companies In the name of health tourism well known companies are making
economic growth without any check. Even though they are earning more income out of that, the fruits of those benefits are not at all reaching to the common people. There are so many Ayurvedic Hospitals coming into existence in the private sector only. The motive behind it is always economic growth only, not the benefit of the common people. Due to the very reason private agencies prefer to be in urban sector only comparatively ignoring the rural sector. Therefore it is very difficult to find doctors in the rural areas. The rural people find it very difficult to get treatment when they needed.
The following proposals are put forward by which Ayurvedic System
of Medicine and Treatment shall be made progressive through the Health Tourism.
1. Take measures by which the good standard of Ayurvedic Medicine in the country should be checked in all level.
2. Ayurvedic Hospitals and Medicine producing centers should be owned by the Government and avoid permitting the private agencies to start such hospitals.
3. Exact rules by which the less quality medicine should be checked and those who are violating the rules should be taken into book.
4. Provide quality treatment and medicine and supply costless genuine Ayurvedic Medicine through registered makers.
5. Ayurvedic Health Medicine Centers / Parlors be owned by the Government itself and avoid giving permission to the Private Sector.
Of these above said proposals, kept in mind there is no doubt in the tourism sector Ayurvedic Health Tourism can contribute more advantages in the field of using our beautiful nature of the country, earning in the field of foreign exchange, advanced travel facilities and in the communication sector, and other related sectors like cultural, information technology etc..
His excellency President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam during his visit to Kerala put forward ten important points to the Government of Kerala with the intension of overall development of the state. These points have been widely heard and discussed among the masses. Of this one important point was Propagation and development of Health Tourism in the state. It is estimated that about 3.5 lakhs foreigners are coming to Kerala as Tourists in a year. Steps should be taken by the state government tourism department to increase the number of tourists from 3.5 lakhs to at least 10 lakhs within the next few years. If that goal is achieved no doubt about 20 lakhs unemployededucated youth in the state could be absorbed in that department directly or indirectly. At the same time the state exchange could be about 3000 crore rupees in its account statement as foreign exchange earning according to the Hon’ble President.
Hon’ble President also insisted that the state should be keep up the traditional system of tourism in fact at the same time steps should be taken to propagate Health Medical Tourism through out the state. While promoting Medical Tourism in the state, importance should given to traditional Vaidya Sastra ie. Ayurvedic Medical Tourism. As a matter of fact medical Tourism is not a new subject to Tourism Sector. History reveals that in ancient Greece during the period of ‘Askalepiyosis’ itself there prevailed Medical Tourism. During the said period people from the surrounding regions including Mediterranean Region’s were making medical tourism to Greek also with the intention of praying in front of the ‘Queen of the Heavens’ who can sheen
and cure all source of diseases. Step by step the medical tourism has reached to the present 20th century stage particularly as an industry.
Now a days the states are extending to the people through Medical Tourism all sorts of Medical Treatment despite to rest and entertainment. In the state of South Africa, Medical Tourism is tide up with Safari Tourism which is much popular there. South Africa is also famous and one among the leading nations of the world where Plastic Surgery is in an advanced stage and few centers are very famous in that field.
It is estimated that by 2012 India could achieve a target of 200 Crore Dollars per year in the Medical Tourism sector. This will be about 8% of the Gross National Profit (GNP) of the country. Thus in this sector the growth rate per annum will be about 30% as estimated. In the capital city of Trivandrum, there are few private Super Speciality Hospitals were treating the patients coming from Mali etc. is provided in a cheaper rate comparing with the other neighbouring nations. These nationals are coming to this hospital, since such treatment is most available in their country. Recently certain Super speciality Hospitals in India have treated few children hailing from Pakistan comparatively in a cheaper rate for Heart Diseases. Since Pakistan does not have sufficient such hospitals there. This venture could also help stabilize the drained bilateral relationship between India and Pakistan.
1 To expose the characteristics and importance of Ayurveda to the
tourists coming to India In India, Kerala is the only state taken much interest to retain Ayurveda Medical System in its present shape since 5000 years of its origin. Efforts are taken by researchers / practitioners all over the world in search ofdevelopment of modern Medical Science. These developments are taking placein the English System of Medicine. Thus this is the high time we should takesteps to popularize among other nations also the importance of Ayurveda whichis originated and developed to the present stage in India. The medicines which are commonly used in the English System ofmedicine is mostly made out of Chemicals which badly affects thehuman body in future even though it shall cure the diseases quickly. Whereas the medicines manufactured in the Ayurvedic System of Medicine the ingredients are mainly taken from plants, metals and minerals and animals which would not affect badlythe human body. This fact is to be brought to the notice of the foreigners coming to India as Health tourists. As a matter of fact there is no doubt if we shall chart out a plan to propagate the importance of Ayurveda Medicine among the foreign tourists in the future taking them to confidence that this system shall provide them body fitness aswell as pleasure and joy in the patients mind. In terms the shall be able to popularizethe system through out the world.
2. How to remove the misunderstanding about the Ayurvedic System
of Medicine In the name of popularizing the Ayurvedic System of MedicalTreatment in the world, we are displaying the picture of half naked picture of“Madamma” laying down in the ground to undergo massage etc. If this sort ofpractice is allowed to grow future, there is no doubt it will badly affect theAyurvedic System and at the same time leads to giving a bad impression aftercalling it as Sex Tourism in India. Also it shall be a measure by which we are disgracing the traditional good name of Ayurveda Vaidya Sastra of India. In Ayurvedic System of Medicine treatment is provided to persons for maintaining good health. The places selected for giving this sort of treatment is resorts and places which are naturally gifted with good climate etc. Through this treatment the body and mind of a person could be made fit to defend the body from any
sort of diseases. This fact should be taken in confidence in the mind of the nationals as well as foreign tourists.
3. It create opportunity for Employment
Instead of going behind the foreign investors for aid etc. with the intention of creating more opportunities to the nationals, in the field of Ayurveda we should find out resources with the help of development of health tourism in our country itself. Also most of the Ayurveda Medicine should be cultivated in our country itself as a mixed crop along with the traditional crops. This will no doubt indirectly help the agriculture worker to get rid off from the present tragedy of helplessness and suicide.
4. How shall we can attract the Indian Nationals to bring close to
Ayurvedic System of Medicine Nationals will prefer more what is endeavoured and supplied by nature itself to a country than what is brought from other countries. It will be liked more by the nationals when they understand that more foreigners are coming to India to study more about Ayurveda and Health Tourism.
5. Not only Treatment to maintain Health Only
Ayurvedic Medicine not only used for maintaining health alone but also these are used as preventive measures by which shall cure the diseases such as rheumatism of various types, ulcer, nervous diseases, allergy, psoriasis, eye diseases, diseases normally found among the old aged. Due to the very reason in recent times the number of health tourists coming to India have enormously increased. It is beyond doubt that the importance of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment is not at all a hidden subject even to the foreigners.
6. How effective the System of Ayurvedic Medicine and Treatment
A cheap advertisement about the Ayurvedic Medicine can achieve only a reverse effect to the progress of system and only the business community shall gain profit out of that. At the same time the fame and dignity of Ayurvedic Medicine will diminish. The medicine produced with the intention of gaining profit alone cannot contribute much to this system, whereas it can give an adverse effect only to the system as a whole. All possible steps should take to produce genuine quality Ayurvedic Medicine. By that we shall be proud in front of the world community. If quality medicines are produced and supplied that shall be a step further to promote health tourism in India.
1. It shall promote activities connected with anti social elements in
the society Some times Ayurvedic Health tourism shall become a curse to the society. For example there are numerous massaging parlours are coming into existence here and there without following the required standard resources. It will be a blow to the good name achieved through ages in the traditional way of treatment. If this sort of ventures are allowed to grow without any check it shall lead to activities connected with anti social elements.
2. Illicit production of Ayurvedic Medicine are increased In the name of Ayurvedic Medicines there are so many complaints and individuals are engaged in producing Ayurvedic Medicine which is normally below standard and this cannot be treated as genuine one. It is a well known fact that Ayurvedic Medicine has no side effect. Taking these facts as an advantage some companies are producing medicine without including all the ingredients needed for a particular medicine. Such act of irresponsibility shall lead to defame the Ayurvedic Medicine. Now a days in each and every small shops people shall find Ayurvedic Medicine with sub stand. These sorts of Ayurvedic Medicines will defame the genuine traditional Ayuvedic system. The only way to get rid off from this practice is to make proper Government rules. By which the quality of medicine should be tested in the level of production, manufacturing sales and should be
carried out by the authorised medical shops only.
3. The most beneficiaries are always the famous medicine producing
companies In the name of health tourism well known companies are making
economic growth without any check. Even though they are earning more income out of that, the fruits of those benefits are not at all reaching to the common people. There are so many Ayurvedic Hospitals coming into existence in the private sector only. The motive behind it is always economic growth only, not the benefit of the common people. Due to the very reason private agencies prefer to be in urban sector only comparatively ignoring the rural sector. Therefore it is very difficult to find doctors in the rural areas. The rural people find it very difficult to get treatment when they needed.
The following proposals are put forward by which Ayurvedic System
of Medicine and Treatment shall be made progressive through the Health Tourism.
1. Take measures by which the good standard of Ayurvedic Medicine in the country should be checked in all level.
2. Ayurvedic Hospitals and Medicine producing centers should be owned by the Government and avoid permitting the private agencies to start such hospitals.
3. Exact rules by which the less quality medicine should be checked and those who are violating the rules should be taken into book.
4. Provide quality treatment and medicine and supply costless genuine Ayurvedic Medicine through registered makers.
5. Ayurvedic Health Medicine Centers / Parlors be owned by the Government itself and avoid giving permission to the Private Sector.
Of these above said proposals, kept in mind there is no doubt in the tourism sector Ayurvedic Health Tourism can contribute more advantages in the field of using our beautiful nature of the country, earning in the field of foreign exchange, advanced travel facilities and in the communication sector, and other related sectors like cultural, information technology etc..